Events March 2025 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat2324252627281234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303112345 Event DateApptEvent Name 3/28/2025 Women Mayors Collective Retreat 4/3/2025 Multi-Chamber Economic Outlook Networking Luncheon & Business Expo 4/5/2025 Menchie's Grand Re-Opening Weekend 4/9/2025 WIB at Signs & Love Event Rentals 4/10/2025 15th Anniversary Celebration 4/12/2025 Charity Challenge: The Great Descent 4/16/2025 YPN at Los Arcos Mexican Grill 4/17/2025 Ribbon Cutting: Skyway Behavioral Health 4/25/2025 26th Annual Gala: An Evening of Transformation 4/30/2025 Legislative Luncheon & Book Signing Featuring Forrest Claypool 5/1/2025 Giving DuPage Days 5/8/2025 Ribbon Cutting: HaylieRead Interior Design 5/20/2025 Champions for a Cause Nonprofit Expo 5/29/2025 Ribbon Cutting: Magnolia Soap and Bath 6/2/2025 Hinsdale Humane Society Summer Camp 6/25/2025 2nd Annual Paul Kludac Memorial Golf Outing Category: Month: Specific Text: Ball BOC Breakfast BRN Committee Community Golf Leads Group Lunch & Learn Monthly Lunch Professional Development Ribbon Cutting W.I.N. YPN Any January February March April May June July August September October November December