BRADFORD AND KENT HOME REMODELING BRADFORD AND KENT HOME REMODELING Search | Advanced Search | New Members | Coupons and Discounts | All Categories   Real Estate & Construction >> Remodeling Contractor BRADFORD AND KENT HOME REMODELING 807 Ogden Ave.Downers Grove, IL 60515 | map | directions (630) 969-8585 Visit Site Connect With Us For 30 years, Bradford and Kent's expert team of designers, architects and craftsmen have partnered with clients from start to finish to develop and build stunning additions, kitchens, baths, basements and exterior makeovers. Member Since: 2005 Send a message to: BRADFORD AND KENT HOME REMODELING Your Name: Your Email: Subject: Message: (Date: 3/31/2025) If your business isn't here, contact us today to get listed!